Bình Dương village continues to make piggy banks

Piggy banks have been an attraction for tourists in Bình Dương Province. Photo t3.ftcdn.net

Viet Nam News

The traditional craft of making piggy banks has been an attraction for visitors to the southern province of Bình Dương.

In the past clay piggy banks were a familiar item in many Vietnamese houses since people needed to save money during the then-tough economic situation for later use.

The cute piggy banks with eye-catching colours the fell into oblivion, sending the fortunes of many villages dependant on them dipping.

But some villages survived the tough times, exporting their products to several neighbouring countries.

One such village can be found in Thuận An town’s Lái Thiêu Ward, where this craft has existed for decades.

During its heyday, there were more than 200 households in this village making clay piggy banks, but now the number is down to just 10.

The clay piggy banks cost VNĐ5,000-7,000 each, and only children use them now. – VNS

Bình Dương village continues to make piggy banks Related image(s)


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