Vietnamese ministries have made some improvements in their legal performance, but efficiency is still not as good as expected, findings from the 2014 Ministerial Efficiency Index (MEI) show.


The 2014 MEI has painted a brighter overall picture of efficiency in business law development and implementation by local ministries, but there are still “dark spots” that should not be omitted, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) said in a report released Monday in Hanoi.

The index was released after a one-year hiatus as the VCCI skipped the issue of the 2013 edition, and the latest findings were compared with those in 2012.

The 2014 MEI measures the business law development and implementation activities conducted by the 14 ministries most related to business in 2014, according to the report obtained by Tuoi Tre News.

It includes a set of five independent indexes, namely drafting legal normative documents (LND); quality of LND; making information available to the public, law propaganda and dissemination; law implementation; and reviewing, inspecting and summarizing law implementation.

The VCCI gathered responses from 228 business associations that represent 409,591 enterprises, organizations, and individual entrepreneur members.

The MEI can thus be “considered a voice and position of the Vietnam business community in general,” according to the VCCI.

The surveyed ministries scored higher in four out of five indexes in the 2014 MEI compared to the 2012 edition, with an average increase of 10.07 percent, according to the report.

The results illustrate that the overall picture of legal performance by the ministries in 2014 was becoming brighter, with some remarkable achievements.

“And in comparison with MEI 2012, MEI 2014 results indicated considerable improvements, which is encouragingly hopeful,” the report says.

The 2014 MEI also found some ‘dark spots’ among the ministries, one of which is in regards to transparency.

While the ministries posted a 16.55 percent improvement in law implementation transparency compared to the 2012 MEI, transparency is worsening in legal documents drafting, according to the report.

The 2014 index on efficiency of LND drafting decreased 4.16 percent from 2012, which the report says “raises great concerns.”

“The MEI is like a mirror for ministries to look at and see the reflection of their legal performance,” Nguyen Thi Thu Trang, deputy head of legislation of the VCCI, said at the report release ceremony.

“And should the reflection be a bad one, the ministries should not blame the mirror.”

Trang expressed her hope that the MEI will encourage the ministries to strengthen their reform for better performance.

VCCI chairman Vu Tien Loc also said the MEI provides an overall picture of the legal activities of the ministries in the eyes of the business community.

“It is not a report in which ministries praise themselves, but one that reflects what the public and business community views of the ministries are in reality, which is a positive signal,” he said.

The ministries assessed in the 2014 MEI include: Industry and Trade; Transport; Natural Resources and Environment; Information and Communications; Planning and Investment; Justice; Science and Technology; Culture, Sports and Tourism; Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Construction; Agriculture and Rural Development; Health; Finance; and the State Bank of Vietnam.

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Transparency remains ‘dark spot’ in improved legal performance of Vietnam ministries Related image(s)


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