Two career units to be first equitized

The two career units are Hai Duong Waterway Division and Hai Duong Road Division (Transport Department).

The Hai Duong provincial Board for Business Innovation and Development on January 21 held the announcement of the provincial People’s Committee’s decision to equitize Hai Duong Waterway Division and Hai Duong Road Division (Transport Department). This is the first time the provincial government has equitized career units.

This time, the units will be equitized in the form of selling part of the existing State capital at the units or combining the sale of part of State capital and the issuance of additional stocks to increase their charter capital, in which the State will hold over 75% of the capital.

Currently, the units are setting up Equitization Steering Boards and Assistance Teams and making plans for propaganda of the State’s equitization policies. The equitization must guarantee the interests and obligations of officials and employees in the units.

It is expected that the two units will complete equitization and switch to operate in the model of joint stock companies this June and July.


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