NDO – A documentary on the theme of National Reunification will be screened to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Southern Liberation and other major national holidays.

Mainly based on the events of ‘April 30 – the Reunification Day’, the 60 minute documentary produced by the People’s Army of Vietnam’s cinema offers an overview of the historic victory of the nation, analysing the international situation and experiences in conducting the people’s war and promoting the strength of the national unity bloc.

The film exploits a new multidimensional perspective from both sides, including opinions of politicians, researchers and overseas Vietnamese when looking back at the historical event of April 30, 1975.

The documentary also recollects experiences of generals involved in the resistant war, clarifying the role of the Party leadership and the national strength in securing the decisive victory.

The two-part film, directed by Colonel Le Thi, draws on historical records recently released to the public for the first time. It focuses on the post-Geneva agreement period when Vietnam was divided into two regions along the 17th parallel until the country was unified.

The documentary provides an objective view of the resistant war, as well as reflecting on the country’s innovation and fates of the people on both sides of the battle line 40 years after the historical date, director Le Thi said.

It is expected that the film will be screened nationwide on television and in mobile movie campaigns in celebration of major national holidays.

Le Thi is known for many famous documentaries such as ‘Hà Nội-Bản hùng ca’ (Hanoi – The epic), ‘Đường Trường Sơn‘ (Truong Son Road), and ‘Đường mòn trên biển đông’ (Trail on the East Sea). He has also taken part in many famous film projects depicting historical figures and wartime stories.

Documentary produced to mark 40th Southern Liberation anniversary Related image(s)


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