
(Cinet)- On July 22, Ho Chi Minh Museum in collaboration with Vietnam Military History Museum and Vietnam’s national border committee held an exhibition entitled “President Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam’s Sea- Island”.

The exhibition consists of three parts: Vietnam’s sea – island sovereignty in history; President Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam’s Sea – Island and Vietnam’s Sea- Island in the national construction cause.

About 200 photographs and documents on display at the exhibition introduced the attention of President Ho Chi Minh to Sea – Island, people and the armed forces in defending sea – island sovereignty; justice struggle of the entire Party, people and entire armyagainst China’s illegal placement of Haiyang Shiyou 981 oil rig in Vietnam ‘s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, ect.

The exhibition contributes to enhance the sense of responsibility and patriotism to the young generation.

Exhibition “President Ho Chi Minh with Vietnam’s sea-island” opens in Hanoi Related image(s)


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