(VOVworld) – Royal dance or Bát Dật dance is usually performed in spring in An Khe commune, Thai Binh province. The ancient dance was revived by local farmers nearly 10 years ago.

The original Bát Dật dance was performed by 64 dancers, divided into 8 rows. After a long time in oblivion, the dance is revitalized thanks to the efforts of the elder artists. 73-year-old Do Thi Thinh is teaching dance techniques to local youths. She said: “I began dancing at the age of 14. Now, when the dance has become popular again, we are all getting older. 2 elder villagers have been engaged in teaching. But one died. Very few villagers can dance Bát Dật”.

Dancer Do Thi Thinh (Photo: Lan Anh)

Dancer Do Thi Thinh (Photo: Lan Anh)

Thinh said a dance performance consists of many parts and that it takes at least 2 months of rehearsal before a performance goes public. Bát Dật dancers practice very hard. Thinh said: “A Bát Dật dance is performed in 4 rows, involving 32 dancers, whose number is now often reduced to 16. They imitate battles, victory celebrations and folk and fairy dances”.

Bát Dật used to be performed by young, beautiful, unmarried girls. Now the performers can be middle-aged women. 54-year-old Doan Thi Hoa says the young people have to go to school and only one dance class is maintained for them: “This ancient dance has faded and at times has been nearly forgotten. We revived it 8 years ago by organizing 2 classes: one for older dancers and one for the young. People my age have more time for dancing”.

Dancer Doan Thi Hoa in the 4-flapped dress (Photo: Lan Anh)

Dancer Doan Thi Hoa in the 4-flapped dress (Photo: Lan Anh)

Hoa says Bát Dật is different from other folk genres: “In the beginning, it was difficult to do the dance. The melody is not as emotional as Cheo (traditional theater) but still thrilling. Sometimes dancers have to sing. Nobody can sing correctly, except me”.

Another elderly villager named Nguyen Duy says it’s also difficult to play musical instruments to accompany Bát Dật dance: “The orchestra is comprised of drums, cymbals and wooden bells. Although they may look monotonous, the sounds they produce are not monotonous at all, depending on the talent of the musicians”.

Bát Dật dancers wear brown 4-flapped dresses, colorful cloth belts and cloth hats topped by 3 kerosene lamps. Dances move rhythmically at night, in the sparkling and fanciful light, infusing energy into village festivals in An Khe commune.

Lan Anh

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