(VOV) – The United Nations (UN), acting upon a proposal by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a speech last September before the general assembly, passed a resolution declaring June 21 as World Yoga Day.

Since then preparations have been made throughout Vietnam and the world to make the event historic and world class.

A VOV reporter recently sat down with India’s Ambassador to Vietnam Preeti Saran to discuss the significance of the day and the upcoming festivities planned to take place across Vietnam.

Following are translated excerpts of the interview:

VOV: The UN selected June 21 as International Day of Yoga. What, in your opinion, is the significance of the decision?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: The UN General Assembly (UNGA) declared June 21 as International Day of Yoga following a proposal by Prime Minister Modi during a September 27, 2014 speech before the UNGA.

Ambassador Preeti Saran

Ambassador Preeti Saran

It is significant because of the overwhelming support received. The resolution for the Yoga Day was co-sponsored by 175 of the 193 member nations and passed in just 75 days.

Vietnam was one of the first of 47 of the 56 member nations of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation countries to join as co-sponsors.

VOV: Yoga is thought to be more than 5,000 years old. Can you elaborate on the development of it in India and the practice of it by the millions of people in the country?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: Yoga has become a lifestyle not only in India but is universally accepted as part of the mainstream throughout the world. Indian people faithfully practise it every day. Yoga is similar to exercise and athletic workouts, helping to promote both physical and spiritual fitness.

VOV: What are the advantages of Yoga? How would you compare it up against normal physical athletic training?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: The word yoga means to unite. Through physical postures (asana), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation, the practice of yoga draws together the body, mind and spirit.

However, Yoga is not really about physical fitness but its purpose is to discover a sense of oneness uniting the human spirit with the world and nature. Yoga’s philosophy helps people transcend the frustrations of daily life and seek a balance with their surroundings.

I am very happy that many Vietnamese people enjoy Yoga and practise it enthusiastically. I believe that Yoga will make them mentally and physically healthier and make their everyday lives more satisfying.

When people are in a mood of peace and contentment the world will be more sustainable and better.

VOV: The International Day of Yoga will be celebrated worldwide and people throughout the world will perform Yoga from 8-9am on June 21. How will it be celebrated in Vietnam?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: The day will be celebrated with the participation of 120 countries around the globe, including Vietnam and 620 districts in India. A grand event will take place in New Delhi.


In Vietnam, the main ceremony will take place at Quan Ngua Stadium in Hanoi and similar events will take place in HCM City, Danang, Haiphong, Phu Tho, Can Tho and Thanh Hoa.

They will include a live demonstration of yoga asanas conducted by professionals from India. The asanas will be divided into different sections, beginning with loosening up exercises, like neck bending and body twisting.

The second section of asanas will be done in a standing posture comprised of six yoga exercises, including Tadasana or palm tree posture, and Vriksasana or the tree posture. The third section will be of sitting postures, with five asanas.

A series of lectures are also planned for Hanoi in the lead up and on June 21. Entry to all events will be free of charge.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the events as participants or spectators by signing in on http://bit.ly/1FuclgY. Videos, photos of postures and instructions to help both advanced practicians and beginners are available at the website.


VOV: How does the embassy plan to publicise the event in Vietnam?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: Many Vietnamese are keen on practising Yoga and Yoga clubs are operating in cities in all parts of Vietnam. Through these clubs and centres we will publicise Yoga in order to help more people.

In the future we will send Yoga more teachers from India to Vietnam to open centres and clubs for the Vietnamese people.

VOV: What advice do you have for Yoga practitioners?

Ambassador Preeti Saran: I have practised Yoga daily for over 15 years. It has made me healthier and more dynamic and helped to keep me calm and remove stress in order to live better.

Yoga beginners should learn from teachers instead of trying to learn by themselves. I learned from Yoga teachers for six months and before I began practicing by myself.

VOV: Thank you very much.

Yoga day celebrations kick off in Vietnam Related image(s)


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