According to a new government decree that take effects on September 15, 2014, there are six groups of subjects that are not allowed to work for foreign organizations and individuals in Vietnam.
Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has recently signed a decree detailing the implementation of some articles of the Labor Code regarding the recruitment and management of Vietnamese employees working for foreign organizations and individuals in Vietnam.
Under the decree, the following groups of people are banned from working for organizations and individuals in the Southeast Asian country.
The first group includes officers, professional soldiers, noncommissioned officers, soldiers, defense workers and officials in the Vietnam People’s Army; officers and noncommissioned officers trained at police schools, officers and noncommissioned officers trained at other schools, trainees, workers, civil servants and employees in the public security sector; and people engaged in cipher activities.
The second group includes cadres and civil servants as defined in the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants.
The third group comprises people whose work is related to state secrets.
The fourth group consists of husbands and wives of people whose work is related to state secrets.
The fifth group covers those who have been disciplined for acts of disclosing state secrets of national security.
The last group includes people who are being considered for criminal liability or are serving a court verdict, or people whose criminal records are not yet cleared or those who are still in periods in which they are banned by the Penal Code from practicing or doing certain jobs.
According to the decree, foreign organizations in Vietnam are foreign agencies or organizations that are allowed by competent Vietnamese agencies to operate within the territory of Vietnam.
They include diplomatic representative agencies; foreign consular agencies; representative offices of international organizations belonging to the United Nations; regional and sub-regional organizations; permanent offices of news agencies, newspapers, broadcast or television stations; and international organizations, inter-governmental organizations, and organizations under foreign governments.
They also comprise non-governmental organizations and non-profit representative offices of foreign economic, trade, financial, banking, insurance, scientific, technical, cultural, educational, health, and legal consulting organizations in Vietnam.
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