Carbon compensation fights climate change Carbon compensation is one of Vietnam’s great efforts to combat climate change globally.
Vietnam is implementing efforts against climate change

Vietnam is implementing efforts against climate change

In the recent years, the world is becoming more increasingly extreme weather events like snow storms that killed many people in South Korea, Japan; Haiyan storm ravaged Philippines while the Southern Hemisphere has record heat waves, in Vietnam, the snow fall in the free snow areas, such as Ky Son – Nghe An and etc. All extreme weather phenomena are caused by global climate change, including causes are directly caused by humans.

One of the many efforts has been implementing in Vietnam to fight climate change on the global is carbon compensation.

The carbon compensation (carbon offset) is understood simply as an individual or organization that implemented a project, such as renewable energy, using energy efficiency or reforestation, and they pointed out their project that has reduced emissions effectively, so they created carbon credits (carbon credits).

Then the carbon credits will be sold to governments, organizations and individuals getting request to reduce the carbon footprint (carbon footprint) and become neutral carbon.

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